31 July 2006
My verse is the true image of my mind,/ Ever in motion, still desiring change.
Michael Drayton
"To the Reader of These Sonnets"
I have had an exciting and difficult three months that has included, in no specific order, the earning of a master’s degree, the acquisition of a full-time job, the expansion of some of my film writing into the online sphere, and my transition to a new city. In the spirit of these changes -- and in an effort to bring more frequent content to this page -- I will create a new focus for Drop Frame. To provide AS ITS BASE shorter, more precise reviews of films, present and past.
This is not meant to be a concession to a journalism industry that has regrettably taken space from arts writers in recent years. This is not reflective of a great country that has lately forgotten the importance of the arts. Rather, my intention is to explore the challenge of language as a necessary skill; to practice being brief.
When and where appropriate, Drop Frame will still be a venue for more excursive writing, as well as writing that intersects with other interests, namely sport. I hope, too, that this ongoing project will continue to grow in content, in scope, in authority, and as always, in the respect it affords its readers.
A. Ryel-Lindsey